Saturday Mornings of Theoretical Physics : All Pages
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Theoretical Physics
Supporting Theoretical Physics
Research Groups
An Informal History
Leverhulme-Peierls Fellows
Axions and their physics: from tabletops to cosmology and back again
Hydrodynamics and Equilibration
Quantum Gravity
AI in Physics
Higgs: the new fundamental interactions
The Physics of Life
Quantum Amplitudes, Classical Ignorance & Quantum Information Processing
Galaxy Dynamics
Superfluids and Superconductors
Ripples in spacetime: the discovery of gravitational waves
Fluids and Flows
"More is different" - how states of matter emerge from quantum theory
String Theory
How computers have changed the way we do physics
Einstein's general theory of relativity a century on
From quantum bits to exotic particles
Exploring the high energy frontier at the LHC
Black holes: where physics reaches its limit
Plasmas: the normal form of matter and the key to unlimited energy
Inner space meets outer space: covering the connections between cosmology and particle physics
Theoretical physics applied to living systems
Using field theory to understand material reality
Axions and their physics: from tabletops to cosmology and back again
Leverhulme-Peierls Fellows
‘What can we learn from gravitational waves?’
Oxford Mosaic Accessibility Statement
Leverhulme Peierls Fellows
Saturday Mornings of Theoretical Physics: Use of cookies on this website
TT24 Morning of Theoretical Physics
Cosmology and the Early Universe
Quantum matter and the topological revolution
Leverhulme Peierls Fellows